by: Northern Lights
Anger: An emotion I totally hate to feel
Guilt: A feeling I never wished to have
Desolation: A condition I never pictured myself being in
All these? These, I got from you.
You, whom I considered dearest to my heart
You, whom I considered closest to my soul.
In every move I make, there’s nothing I thought of rather than making you
When I see sorrow in your eyes, despair in your ways, I look forward in comforting you.
There’s nothing I wouldn’t give just to put that most endearing smile on your lips.
But I realized,
“Hey! I’m only human. I ain’t capable of giving everything.”
I’m only human.
I live. I love. I give up.
Maybe it’s now time for me to let you go…
…I’ll do even though it hurts.