Day 19: Write about your last birthday and how you plan to spend your upcoming birthday.
My last birthday is definitely one of my most memorable birthdays EVER.
If I were to compare it to my friends’ birthday celebration, mine is definitely… different. I am not even sure if it could qualify as a “celebration”. My last birthday was kind of lethargic considering that it was my debut. But of course, being ever optimistic, I still managed to find joy in what I did.
Last October 4, 2010, as soon as I woke up, one thing was on my mind: Wow, it’s my birthday. Happy birthday to me! But dang, I have a report in Art Studies 2 that I have to cram. I was not able to do this in advance because there were more requirements that needed my immediate attention that is why I have to cram this particular report on my birthday. So I spent the whole day doing the paper. This is so saaaad. :( Of all my birthdays, I really have to experience this on my 18th birthday, on my debut. While others are busy preparing their dresses for their upcoming grand debut, there I was – sitting in front of the laptop, pre-occupied on how would I finish the paper that would be due the following day. Wow. Simply wow.
I only felt that it was my birthday whenever I log in to Facebook and I see notification after notification wishing me a happy birthday. Great, I really did wish that it was a happy birthday. :(
And then, at around 2:00 pm, there was a miracle that happened. Ma’am Fay Gumba, my Art Studies 2 instructor, sent an email which said that she would postpone the submission of the paper on October 5 – the report would be submitted the following week.
MY GOSH. That was the best gift that I received that day (because my LG Lollipop Phone was given to me last October 10). I leaped out of my seat and I immediately told my mom that the submission of paper was postponed. Wuhoo! I still had a little time to celebrate my birthday. As a part of my birthday celebration, I accompanied my mom to the supermarket to buy ingredients for the food that she was going to prepare for my birthday. Great.
It was still all good since I think this is a break from what I have been doing all day. Hooray! Still, I think I would have celebrated my debut better. But this is an awakening that it is unavoidable to have not-so-happy birthdays.
This year, I plan on celebrating my birthday with my karaoke buddies – Ian, Patty, Winnie, Rhea – and my other blockmates. :D I wish to treat them in karaoke bar or something similar. Haha! Because of them, my hidden love for karaoke has been unleashed.
That is Plan A. If I have a budget.
If I will be tight on the budget (which will probably happen since I plan on buying an mp3 player because my Samsung mp3 player could not be detected in any computers/netbooks), I think I would just treat them in KFC or some fast food. Haha! Then, I’d treat them to TimeZone as well.
I hesitate on writing about Plan C of my birthday celebration. ..But I would still write about this since I am reallyyyy forgetful. I would like to invite my blockmates to my house in Paranaque then we’ll eat there. Afterwards, we’d go to a private pool near our place so that we could swiiiiim. :> Or I’d find someone who could lend me their Magic Sing microphone so we could karaoke all daaaay. Teehee! :>
Of course, I planned my 19th birthday celebration WAAAY ahead of time so any of these plans would not probably happen. I’ll just wait and see until my next birthday. Heck, classes have just even barely begun.