When I was sitting on a sofa located at an office in Quezon City, boredom struck me. So I grabbed a newspaper to read. I have read something really interesting. It is from a column in the Philippine Daily Inquirer entitled Young Blood. This column from the said mainstream newspaper calls for the twenty-something and below to contribute articles which give people an idea on what the youth have to say on social concerns of our world today.
The Young Blood article I read was about the pleasures and pains of being a young mom. Honestly, it moved me. It is not because I have plans of being a young mom or what-so-ever but it is because it gave me a challenge to write for a mainstream newspaper… as a contributor.
After reading the said article, I found myself fantasizing of my article being published on newspaper. I even thought of the article that I am going to write! But my incompetency caught me off guard. First, I do not possess a good grasp of the English language caused by my limited vocabulary. I know that this could be improved through reading a lot of materials but I am easily disinterested by reading stuff. So, what I do is I write articles then I search for a better term for a word an overused expression. In that way, I am able to enrich my vocabulary but I know that it is not enough. And the other thing that intensified my incompetency is my experience as an Associate Editor of our School Publication, Flicker.
During my “Flicker Days”, I was full of enthusiasm and excitement for this but as days go by my zeal for this organization diminished. I was too busy with my tenure as the Class President of Clare that I neglected other responsibilities. As I look back, I feel really bad. I do not know how I managed to have the Flicker Member of the Year Award. All I know was I was very undeserving of that one.
Now that I have pin-pointed all my weaknesses, I still feel that those are some of my downfalls. I feel insecure knowing that I can’t adapt to the greatness and awesomeness of others. But all I know is that I am my biggest rival. I must do something a lot better than I have used to…