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Sunday, January 18, 2009


Guess what!?!!!!!!!!!!

I passed UPCAT! :D

I heard the news yesterday from my friend, Jaimee.

Seems impossible, right?

Here's the evidence:

It's still surreal as of the moment.

Hahaha! But I didn't pass the course that I really like. Instead, I passed the course I sometimes like. Hahaha! But that's perfectly fine. :)

Passing UPCAT (and in UP Diliman!) is such a blessing to me.

Besides I could shift courses when I get there and I really don't happen to like BS-HRIM. :p

But there's something in me that tells me maybe I'm really for Hotel, Restaurant and Institution Management-slash-BS-HRIM. :p

Don't you think? Haha!

ETA: You can already view the results hassle-free. You just need to enter your name and you're ready to go. :D