Obtaining an internship is an excellent way to advance one's career.
Not only can students learn new skills but (also) they can gain valuable experience that looks very impressive on their resumes.
(No surprise then that even those returning to the workforce are trying out internships these days; internships are now getting your foot in the door!)
Even more, internships help students become comfortable with how the workforce is before they actually enter it.
Unfortunately, many students don't benefit from internships because they are never accepted into an internship program.
Every single year, hundreds of thousands of smart and talented students find themselves struggling to get in the door.
Here are the top 10 internship mistakes to avoid:
1. Not caring
Shockingly, many college students act as if they don't really care about their careers. They act as if they don't really want an internship.
Change your attitude today. Internships can become high-paying jobs. It happens all the time.
2. Procrastinating
Many students who do want internships often procrastinate about finding and applying for the opportunities.
This is a deadly mistake. Many programs have early deadlines. For instance, most summer internships start recruiting in the winter. Start searching and applying now.
3. Not Keeping Your Grades Up
An internship is like a job. Why would a company want to hire you if your grades are bad? It is very important to keep your grades above average.
4. Not Utilizing Your Resources
Every high school has guidance counselors, and every college has a career center. You should stop by and meet these people because they are there to help you.
Often, companies that are looking to hire interns will ask them for recommendations.
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I know in the degree that I am pursue, we are most probably going to have an internship. I know that my own internship will occur in a very long time from now. I am just trying to think ahead. Well. Not really. I plan to savour every moment that I have. I think this article is a great help to those who are undergoing and planning to undergo internship.